
Add more apps on your Nokia N900

Hope this tips can help you add more apps on your Nokia N900

So you finally got your hands on an N900? But when you go into the Application Manager there are a lot less apps than you thought there would be, right? Well, I’ll show you how to increase the number of apps 10x or more .

I. Enabling Maemo Extras

1. On the phone goto Menu (clicking the top left of the screen, one or two times) then click More and then App. Manager.

2. Click on the title bar to bring up the menu and click on Applications Catalog and wait for them to load.

3. Scroll down and you will see one called Maemo Extras, click it then uncheck the Disabled setting at the bottom and click Save.

3b. If Maemo Extras is not there then add it manually by clicking New then entering the following information in the appropriate fields:

Catalog name: Maemo Extras
Web address: http://repository.maemo.org/extras/
Distribution: fremantle
Components: free non-free

4. You now have access to the apps from the Maemo Community on Maemo.org :)

II. Add Maemo Testing Apps

1. On the phone goto Menu (clicking the top left of the screen, one or two times) then click More and then App. Manager.

2. Click on the title bar to bring up the menu and click on Applications Catalog and wait for them to load.

3. Click on New in the bottom right corner.

4. Enter in the following information for the fields:
Application manager –> Application catalogs –> New
Catalog name: Maemo Extras-testing
Web address: http://repository.maemo.org/extras-testing/
Distribution: fremantle
Components: free non-free

Catalog name: Maemo Extras-testing
Web address: http://repository.maemo.org/extras-testing/
Distribution: fremantle
Components: free non-free

5. Now you’ve got even more apps!

III. Add Maemo Developer Testing Apps

1. On the phone goto Menu (clicking the top left of the screen, one or two times) then click More and then App. Manager.

2. Click on the title bar to bring up the menu and click on Applications Catalog and wait for them to load.

3. Click on New in the bottom right corner.

4. Enter in the following information for the fields:
Application manager –> Application catalogs –> New
Catalog name: Maemo Extras-testing
Web address: http://repository.maemo.org/extras-testing/
Distribution: fremantle
Components: free non-free

Catalog name: Maemo Extras-devel
Web address: http://repository.maemo.org/extras-devel/
Distribution: fremantle
Components: free non-free

5. You now have all the beta testing apps and all of the apps from the Maemo Community.


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